News 2022-2023

St. Patrick’s College Celebrates Success at Wesley Interschools Music Festival 

St Patrick’s College has once again demonstrated its musical prowess at the Wesley Interschools Music Festival on Saturday, March 4th. The college had a strong representation across a range of competitions, with an extensive list of awards won by its talented musicians. 

Anthony Boyko’s exceptional trumpet playing earned him first place (winner) in the O16 Brass competition, for the third year in a row, while Jakub Kulig took home third place in the same category. Alex Boyko impressed the judges with his piano skills, taking third place in the U16 Piano competition, while Peter Flynn’s piano performance earned him second place in the U16 Piano competition. 

Peter Flynn also took first place (winner) in the U15 Classical Guitar competition and first place (winner) in the Rock Guitar competition. Brian Murphy’s popular singing earned him second place in the competition, and James Dolan was highly commended for his classical singing in the O17 category. The St Patrick’s College traditional Irish group put in an outstanding performance, earning first place (winner) for the third year in a row. 

Other notable performances included Darragh Langtry and Eoghan Gunn on saxophone, Christopher King on French Horn, and Oisín Hilton on piano. Oisin, in fact, competed in the National Concert Hall Piano Competition earlier in the day before participating in the Wesley Interschools Music Festival. 

St Patrick’s College had a strong representation in the Traditional Irish Group, with David Waters, Liam Coyle, Ruairí Mc Govern, Luke Gilmartin, Ruairí Griffin, Rowan Davis, Aaron O’ Gorman, Oisín Flynn, Louis McEntee, Senán Lynch, Peter Flynn, and Eoghan Gunn putting in an excellent performance. 

The college is also proud to announce that David Waters, Peter Flynn, Eoghan Gunn, Christopher King, Anthony and Alex Boyko, Rowan Davis, Ruairí Mc Govern, and Oisín Hilton will be playing in the orchestra for the upcoming production of Grease at the end of the month. 

We would also like to congratulate past students Shane Walsh and CJ Burns, who wrote most of the music that this year’s Traditional Irish Group performed. Their musical legacy continues to inspire and support our current and future students.  

Furthermore, we would like to extend a huge thank you and well done to Mr. C Tackney, our music teacher, for his continued teaching, support, and encouragement. His dedication and hard work have been instrumental in helping our students achieve such enormous success at the Wesley Interschools Music Festival. 

Mr. Tackney has been a driving force behind the growth and development of our music program at St. Patrick’s College. His passion for music and his commitment to our students’ success have inspired our students to strive for excellence and pursue their musical dreams.  

We would also like to extend our gratitude to Eileen Tackney and Sue Donohoe who provided accompaniment for solo competitors and also to our school’s  music tutors Viktor Boyko, Siobhan Denton, Barbara Dowling and Eileen Tackney who make an invaluable contribution to the musical development of students.

TEAM Maths Final, Maynooth University 2023

Congratulations to St. Patrick’s College 6th Year higher level Maths students who ranked joined 7th place out of 25 teams nationally at the Team Maths final on Saturday March 4th at Maynooth University. This is fantastic achievement by the students involved. The St. Pat’s Team included Senan Kellegher, Cormac Sheridan, Gautham Shanmugha and Ahmed Cheeema. 
Team Maths is a table quiz for teams of four students from Leaving Certificate with questions based on the Leaving Certificate higher level Maths course. A total of 25 teams qualified from regional rounds to compete in the Team Maths National Final. 

TEAM Maths 2023

St. Patrick’s College, Cavan hosted the Irish Maths Teacher’s Association Team Maths competition on Friday January 27th. Team Maths is a table quiz for teams of 4 students from Leaving Certificate years with questions based on the Leaving Certificate higher level course. St. Pats hosted the Team Maths regional round for the Northeast Region.

The St. Pat’s students were joined by competing teams from Loretto Cavan. The Royal School Cavan and St. Louis’ Secondary School in Monaghan. In total there were seven teams competing in the competition looking to gain a place in the National Final in Maynooth. The competition is for those taking higher level Mathematics to Leaving Certificate level and is held in regional centres across Ireland on the same night. This was a very close competition on the night with a tie breaker for 2nd and 3rd place. Many thanks to all students who participated and coordinating teachers from each school for entering a team. The winners on the night were a team from St. Patrick’s College and this team now go forward to the National Final competing against 24 other teams in Maynooth on March 4th. We wish the students involved the very best of luck.

Cavan County Cookery Competition

January 18th 2023

Transition year students Thomas Halloran and Mark Emmo qualified for the the Cavan County Cookery Competition which took place in Cavan Institute on Jan 18th.

Thank you to Ms Kell for her work involved in the event.

St Patricks College (Cavan) Vs Our Ladies Secondary school (Castleblaney)

19/12/22 – K.O 12:00

Score 4 – 2

Captain: Danny O’Reilly Vice-Captain: Daire McCrystal,

13th Minute goal Our Ladies Secondary School,

27th Minute Goal St.Pats Ainis Oberauskis No 9 (Assist No 11 Kacper Swiatek),

34th Minute goal St.Pats Ainis Oberauskis No 9 (Pen),

37th Minute goal from No 7 Our Ladies,

54th Minute goal Ainis Oberauskis St.Pats,

59th Minute Goal St.Pats C. J Fitzpatrick

Man of the match : Ainis Oberauskis

Christmas CD 2022

Computer Science National Conference 

Thursday 13th October 2022, Author: Johnny Hancu

As part of Ireland’s first Computer Science Week, a national conference was held in the Athlone Springs Hotel on Thursday 13th October 2022. Eight computer science students and two teachers travelled to this conference with 2 displays: Computer Science in St. Pats, and our Educational Partnership with Mannok. 

The aim of computer science week was to promote computer science education and training for all.  The conference featured a student and industry exhibition with a showcase of student innovations and industry supports. Among the 40 exhibitors were companies such as Amazon Web Services, Google, Microsoft, and many more.  

The conference saw the launch of and the computer science buddy system which connects schools with industry and further and higher education. This website provides a range of resources to support the development of Computer Science, as well as subject information, career advice, and opportunities in computer science. 

Our students took part in a workshop by Dr. Keith Quille from TU Dublin on Human Centered Artificial Intelligence. He discussed algorithmic bias and the limitations of AI. He also showcased OpenAI’s ability to write essays and code based on questions from users. 

We also took part in a workshop in Computational Thinking with Drones by Yvonne Conaty from IBM. As part of this workshop students used block-based code to pilot virtual drones and complete tasks to be entered into a contest to win a drone, which was won by student Ahmed Cheema.  

Theatre of Witness Workshop

Detailed accounts from all sides of life during the troubles and the story of the road to peace

TY Bonding

TY off to a great start with a fun bonding afternoon held this week.