Special Educational Needs Department
St. Patrick’s College strives to provide a rich and diverse curriculum, catering for the needs of each individual student, in a safe and secure environment…. Students are encouraged and challenged to realise their full potential as human beings. (School Mission Statement)
The Special Education Needs Department in St Patrick’s College endeavours to provide a positive learning environment, which will foster the academic, social and emotional development of students with learning difficulties and to enable each to realise their individual potential.
Special Education Needs Department Provision also seeks to:
- Provide students with consistent opportunities to experience success.
- Provide supplementary teaching and additional support in literacy and numeracy. (including RACE applications and in-house exam supports, where eligible)
- Involve parents/guardians in the support of their son’s education.
- Promote collaboration among teachers in the implementation of a whole school policy on learning support for pupils.
- Protect and enhance the self-esteem of the learner.
(St Patrick’s College, SEN Policy)