Visual Arts in St Patrick’s College

“Art is an adventure that never ends” 

Art and Design encourages all students to develop their skills and allow their artistic talents shine.   

In St Pats Art is available to students throughout the Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle. In this subject pupils are given the opportunity to participate in a whole variety of creative and expressive activities. 

Art also teaches students an appreciation of artists, designers and craft workers in society and other cultures, which helps pupils to understand the diversity of people in their own community and the wider world.  

Musical Set Design, Art Club, Christmas Door competition and Exhibitions are but to name a few extra art activities that the students can take part in. 

Creative Engagement “the arts in our schools” program has been active in our school every year since 2006. It introduces some students to new skills and gives them an insight to an artists world. It plays a major role in the Art Department Calendar.