Attendance email

Parents are advised to please email in advance of their son’s absence. This enables our secretaries to record their absence on our attendance monitoring system.

Attendance – FAQ’s

  • In the interest of security if collecting your son, always report to the school office when you come to the school.
  • Please ensure that we have an emergency contact number.
  • Please ensure that you always either email or phone the school office on (049) 436 1888 in advance of your son’s absence.
  • If collecting your son during school hours, parents/guardians must contact the main school office. We do not allow students to leave school grounds unaccompanied. Students should be waiting at the school office to meet their parent/guardian at the agreed collection time in order to minimise class disruption. Students should always sign in at the main school office if they arrive late for school or if returning from an appointment before going to their class.
  • Written notes from parents in the school journal do not suffice as permission for students to leave during school hours. The journal is for communication between teachers & parents/guardians only.